Baños de Agua Santa is among the most beautiful scenic landscapes in the world. Among the many experiences are hot springs (aguas termales), rainforests, extreme sports and of course La Ruta de las Cascadas. There are many waterfalls to see in Baños, maybe not even enough time to see them all.
We have compiled a list of the top 3 waterfalls in Baños, Ecuador.
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1.) Paílón del Diablo
Easily the most popular waterfall in all of Ecuador, and there is a good reason for it. This waterfall towers at an intimidating 80 meters tall! T
It’s almost impossible to take a bad photo here. You will marvel at this incredible force of nature when you visit the Paílóndel Diablo.
Access: The Paílón del Diablo is easily accessible by the Chiva tour buses. This is by far the most efficient way of seeing several attractions in just a few hours. You can also access it by bike, taxi or the public buses.
A Good Reminder:
Don’t go anywhere in Ecuador without a good pair of hiking shoes. You are going to walk several miles without even realizing it. If you don’t have a pair already, we strongly recommend these Columbia Hiking Shoes.
2.) Manto de la Novia- Peaceful Paradise
Like coffee? Like waterfalls? The Manto de la Novia has both. You can view the Manto de la Novia in 2 ways: By a bridge cable, or hiking down to it. I strongly recommend that you make the hike down as well.
On the way down, you will be greeted with a coffee shop that offers various refreshments and food options. On top of that, you also will have a chance to get a close up picture to the beautiful Manto de la Novia!
3.) Cascada El Rocío Machay- The Most Underrated
In our opinion, this is the most underrated waterfall in Banos. To our knowledge, there aren’t any tourist buses that come by here.
This waterfall is easy to access (under 15 minutes by normal bus) and the breathtaking views make it all worthwhile. Once you arrive at the access, you are going to have to hike down to the waterfall.
On your way down, you will have an opportunity to appreciate the diverse nature of the rainforest. You may even see some unique species of birds that you can’t find anywhere else.
Once you reach the lower point of the trail, you will be greeted by “Cascada El Rocío Machay”. This is a peaceful spot with nothing but the sound of nature.
Visiting Baños, Ecuador
Thanks for checking out our top 3 waterfalls in Baños, Ecuador! If you want to view an in-depth travel guide about the area, visit our article: 10 Secrets of Baños, Ecuador.
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